• Student Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures


    AM & PM Students: You can park in the lot, or pull your car up in the blue drop-off/pick-up lane. Please walk to the blue south gate closest to the basketball court. We will be at this gate at 9:15 for AM students, or 1:00 for PM students, for check-in. Please be early or on time, as the gate will be locked 5 minutes past these times. Once the gate is locked, you will need to sign your child in at the front office. Preschool students must be physically signed in and out each day.


    AM Students: Pick-up location and procedure is the same as drop-off. We will meet you at the gate at 11:45.

    PM Students Only: For pick-up, you will need a Pre-K parking pass. Please ensure your parking pass is displayed in the front windshield of your vehicle. You must pull in off of Alameda into the bus lane exit. This entrance is ONLY for preschool pick-up and no other cars will be permitted. You cannot pull up in the K-6 parent drive through line to get your preschooler. The gate will be open for a 10 minute window from 3:10-3:20, and there will be a staff member out there directing Pre-K traffic. Pull all the way around, and get out of the vehicle to line up along the building. We will begin dismissing students at 3:15. Once you are checked out and return to your vehicle, a staff member will be waiting at the exit gate to let you out.

    If you have older siblings that you are also picking up, please have them meet us in the preschool wing (make sure to inform their teacher and myself), then you can all walk back to your car together. K-6 students may not be released until 3:25-3:30.

    Adults who are not listed in the student's file will NOT be permitted to sign students out. If you need to make alternative pick-up arrangements, please contact the front office at (623) 445-4700.