

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Sara Collins

I am Sara Collins and this is a little story about me. I was born in Pennsylvania and raised most of my life in Mississippi. I even lived in Oregon for a while. I have been to every state in the United States except for Alaska. I think Alaska might be too cold for me. I came to Arizona in 2007, to add a new chapter to my life. This led me out of the business world and into the education world. I graduated from ASU with a bachelor's degree in Special and Elementary education. I began my career in the special education field and learned new things every day. I still learn every day and look forward to it. I appreciate learning, the outdoors, the beauty of silence, and the magnitude of nature. This keeps me camping, hiking, fishing (even though I am allergic to fish) and swimming. I enjoy drawing, painting, gardening, shopping, photography, traveling and coffee, coffee, coffee...