• WELCOME TO 5th and 6thGRADE ART!

    In this class, you have the opportunity to work with different media such as painting, collage, drawing, digital art and ceramics. You will be learning about different artists and the importance of visual art. Expect to be expressive, be challenged, be reflective and have fun!

    This course is designed to prepare you for your future in visual art in high school and to help get you college/ career ready. Many careers involve creativity, design and technology and you will get the experience you need to begin to make a choice about what interests you in the design field. We will also be focusing on goal setting and we will share the responsibility of learning and improving.

    As a class and an individual, you will earn the privilege to use art supplies and do hands-on projects. Respect for each other, supplies and the teacher is expected and necessary for earning projects.

    You will also be responsible for keeping a sketchbook where you will complete most assignments. It should be approximately 9” x 11” and spiral bound with unlined paper. If you do not have your own sketchbook, you can make it in class. You will need your sketchbook EVERY day in order to work on assignments. It is a good idea to leave your sketchbook in the classroom in your class’ corresponding shelf so you will always have it in class, however, you may take it home to work in it.

    Please email Ms. Boggs at Lindsay.Boggs@dvusd.org with any questions, comments, or concerns.