• Overview


    Classroom Objective:


    This classroom will be providing supplemental learning for language arts in a structured learning environment.  Additional assistance may be provided in the general education classrooms.  This year, I will be teaching 7th and 8th grade adopted language arts materials.  


    Classroom Rules and Consequences:

    • Adhere to "COLT" Rules.
    • Treat others the way you want to be treated.
    • Be respectful to staff and peers.
    • Be prepared for class.
    • Be responsible for your materials and your own work area.
    • Participate and always give your best effort.
    • Follow all Park Campus and District rules.



    Because we are a technology-rich campus, we will continue to use technology as a learning tool. Electronic devices will be integrated into the curriculum to reinforce critical thinking, collaboration, and cognitive engagement. Technology devices will be distributed by their classroom teachers.  

    Personal cell phones can be used on campus during specific noted times.  Cell phones can be used before and after school, during breaks, and at lunch.  If a cell phone is used during class, one warning will be given.  Consequences will be adhered to as discussed in the Deer Valley Middle School Rules.