
    Welcome to ELA* (Reading) SAGE
    *English Language Arts

    The SAGE  ELA program is designed to be an enriching literacy experience. For our students the skill of reading comes easily. Keeping reading a meaningful, enriching experience, while expanding our vocabulary and knowledge, is the goal of the SAGE class. To meet this goal we will be exploring the structure and style of various forms of literature, learning to analyze and question what we read from both the reader's and the writer's perspective. This year our focus will include writing across genres as we embrace the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards as adopted by the Deer Valley Unified School District.

    Classroom Expectations:

    *Come to class each day prepared to join in the discussion, listening, watching, participating, and learning!

    *Bring all necessary materials; your SAGE ISN(Interactive Student Notebook), pencils/pens, completed assignments, assigned reading books and your current independent reading book.
    *Apply the "Golden Rule". Treat others the way you want to be treated, being respectful toward other students, school staff, and classroom materials.

    Parent/Teacher Communication:

    Please feel free to contact me any time during the year with ANY questions, concerns, or comments.

    My School e-mail is mike.shelton@dvusd.org. My phone is 623-445-5564. 

    I try to keep this website updated regularly. 好色导航work assignments, project information, book club orders and general information can be found here.


                          All classrooms at Las Brisas are designated as “NUT FREE”

    ELA Sage Students as a rule will not be having a "Snack Time" in Class.
    If your child needs to eat snack during class for medical reasons, please remember that snack must be NUT FREE. Suggested snacks are: pretzels, popcorn, rice snacks, chips, crackers, goldfish, graham crackers, fruit snacks, rice krispie treats, cereal bars. Always check the label to make sure the food was not processed on equipment that may have come in contact with nuts.

                                                                 ELA SAGE Grading Guidelines

     A majority of your child's grade each quarter will come from the following categories:

    Assigned Readings: Each week students will be assigned reading. Students may be asked to find, in their reading, examples of the element of literature that is the current area of focus in class. If we are looking at character development (How the author gives you a sense of who a character is and what motivates him to do what he is doing), the students will find examples from the text showing the author providing insights into the character, and record those finding in their Interactive Student Notebook.

    Class Work: Students will have work in our William & Mary curriculum materials. Each grade has a specific workbook and students will have assignments in those books. The series contains excerpts from good literature which we use to hone our reading and writing skill. Most work will be done in class. Entries in the W & M workbooks must be legible, articulate, and contain complete thoughtful responses. We will be exploring analogies and word origins using Michael Clay Thompson’s Grammar series in our William and Mary books as way of strengthening our vocabulary.

    Theme/Genre Study: Each quarter students will be doing a number of activities related to the theme or genre we are studying. We do at least two projects during the year. The specific criteria for each project and a timeline for completion will be available on this site and come home before we begin the work. 

     好色导航work Guidelines:

    Regular homework will consist of daily reading. Students should always be reading a book, whether it's the assigned reading or a book of their choice, and they should have another book "waiting in the wings" as they approach the end of the book they are reading. Other homework will be given as work in the W & M workbook and  projects progresses during the quarter. The work is expected on the due date. 


    A = 90% to 100%         No one should fall below a "C". We'll be talking long before that

    B = 80% to 89%           happens. I update my PowerSchool page regularly. If you have

    C = 70% to 79%.          any questions regarding grades or assignments, please contact me. 

    D = 60% to 69%
    F =   ---  to 59%