•  Welcome to 7th Grade Science!

    Course Description:
             This year, students will develop their understanding of processes that occur on the Earth by focusing on Cells, Force and Motion, Energy Spheres, and History of the Earth. The scientific inquiry process will establish the basis of learning in Science. It will also engage students in learning strategies that will help them understand Science concepts. We will be using hands-on activities, small & large group activities, individual and group projects to get excited about Science! Toward the end of each quarter, students will be assessed on their understanding of the concepts taught in class. Assessments may include projects, labs, traditional paper pencil tests, -etc.  Below is a copy of the daily schedule and a link of the 7th grade Science Syllabus that includes expectations, grading policy, etc.

    Please see Canvas for all upcoming assignments.

     Science Syllabus

    Middle School Handbook


    1st 8:45 - 9:30 Specials
    2nd 9:30 - 10:15 Exploratory
    3rd 10:15 - 10:30 好色导航room
    4th 10:30 - 11:38 Core 1
    11:38-12:40 Core 2
    12:40 - 1:10 Lunch
    1:10 - 2:23
    Core 3
    8th 2:23-3:30  Core 4