Mirage General Information



    Developmental Preschool
    AM Session: 8:30am-11:00am
    PM Session: 12:15pm-2:45pm

    Kindergarten - Grade 6
    8:00am to 2:45pm
    K-3 dismisses at 2:40pm
    4-6 dismisses at 2:45pm

    Early Release
    8:00am to 11:20am
    K-3 dismisses at 11:15am
    4-6 dismisses at 11:20am


     Morning Routine:


    7:45 a.m. bell rings- students proceed to classroom for Breakfast in the Classroom
    7:55 a.m. bell rings- 5 minute warning bell
    8:00 a.m. bell rings/gates locked- school begins

    To ensure the security of our students and staff, ALL VISITORS must sign in at the office before any visit on campus.

    If you would like to visit your child's classroom or your child's teacher, please make an appointment for your visit. Unannounced visits to the classroom are not permitted.

    It is critical for children to be prompt to school and in attendance daily. Whenever your child does not attend school, please call the Attendance Line at (602) 467-5390 by 9:00 a.m. State who is making the call and be specific about the reason, such as sore throat, asthma, fever, doctor or dentist appointment, personal, out-of-town, etc. 好色导航work can be requested after the third day of absence. ABSENCES MUST BE VERIFIED. Calls must be made/reported within 24 hours of the absence.  Every effort will be made to determine why your child is absent. Please help us to keep your children safe by reporting your child's absence promptly.

    Children who are tardy must stop at the Attendance Office to pick up their tardy pass and state the reason for being late BEFORE entering the classroom. Being on time is very important for the child's learning as well as all the other children in his/her classroom. Only verified doctor's excuses will be considered as excused tardies.

    Unexcused absences may result in legal action. (Arizona Revised Statutes 15-803)