     Deer Valley Middle School recognizes that a shared partnership among students, parents, and school staff is required to maximize student academic achievement and individual success. This compact will define the roles of the school-home partnership.
    • Attend school regularly and be on time
    • Work to the best of their ability in class and at home; ask for help when needed
    • Follow school core beliefs: Six P’s of Professionalism: Prompt, Prepared, Participate, Productive, Polite, and Positive

    Parents / Guardians

    • Emphasize good attendance and punctuality
    • Be an active participant in your child’s learning: read with your child, provide structured homework time, review student work and grades on Powerschools, visit school/teacher websites, attend parent-teacher conferences, maintain on-going communication
    • Encourage your child to follow school rules, policies and procedures
    • Support and attend school events (Back to School Night, Meet the Teacher Night, school dances, curriculum nights, PTO meetings, etc.)


    • Provide a safe and caring environment conducive to learning
    • Provide quality instruction that will promote learning and academic success
    • Participate in staff school trainings that emphasize instructional excellence, school safety, teaching practices that meet the needs of all students
    • Create and maintain an open line of communication between home and school
    • Encourage parent involvement

    * More information on Title I can be found on our school Title I page on our website /dvms

    Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) ___________________________________
    Parent/ Guardian Signature ______________________________ Date: _______________
    Student Name (Printed) ___________________________________________
    Student Signature__________________________________________ Date: ______________
    Teacher _________________________________________________________