

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Fine Art, Kent State University
Art Education/Fine Arts Major
Arizona State Certified Visual Art, K-12
SEI Certification
Highly Qualified Teacher
好色导航Difference Maker award 2023

Self-Proclaimed Pizza Expert

Mrs. Moore

I am Mrs. Moore and I am excited to be a Roadrunner!
I am originally from Ohio. I attended Kent State University and could not wait to get out of that cold weather. Mr. Moore and I moved to Arizona 3 weeks after we got married in 2007 and we love the sunshine! We like to travel to Prescott and San Diego when we can.
I have been an art teacher for 18 years, some of that time was in Ohio, bouncing around 4 different schools. Yes, 4 schools in one week, each week, for a whole school year. I taught out of a box and started the week with kindergarten and ended the week with High School. I taught primarily Kindergarten art out of a box in Glendale AZ before, at a training meeting, DV teachers suggested I try DV. I made the right choice! I worked at Norterra Canyon from 2008-2019. I made the choice in 2019 to develop the art program at Mirage. I am very excited to be at Mirage and to continue to develop our art program.
I love making lasting bonds with my students. I love seeing so many returning, smiling faces and look forward to meeting many more. I feel that Art, as well as band, music, and physical education offer students so many amazing opportunities for expression.
My room is a safe space, and I hope my students feel welcomed, loved and appreciated.
Not every student is lucky to excel at every subject right away and I feel that Art (as well as many other things) affords struggling students an outlet. Art, as well as expression, is very important to a well-rounded child. I love being a part of your child's day and seeing their ideas come to life.
In my spare time, haha, I paint and, laugh with Mr. Moore, have fun with our children. Unfortunately, this summer we had to say goodbye to our favorite puggy, Edgar Allan Pug. He was our best friend for 13 years and the unofficial mascot of the art room. 
I love the color blue, laughing with my family and friends, searching for that perfect soft pretzel, white bristled paint brushes, anything pug, Back to the Future, garlic bread and can normally be bribed with a Coke Zero.