
    paragraph due
    Quarter Three
    Membean homework M, T, Th; Reading homework 4x 20 minutes; It Couldn't be Done Poem
    Monday, March 19 - L to J, Happiness Packets
    Tuesday, March 20 - TAPE and Reasons
    Wednesday - Membean Assessment, WYRW, It Couldn't be Done Practice
    Thursday - FLEE MAP
    Friday - It Couldn't be Done Recitations, FLEE MAP
    Monday, March 12 - L to J; AZ Merit Online Practice
    Tuesday, March 13 - Membean; Commonlit.; 1:1 Writing Conferences
    Wednesday, March 14 - WYRW; Commonlit.; 1:1 Writing Conferences
    Thursday, March 15 - Membean; Commonlit.; 1:1 Writing Conferences
    Friday, March 16 - Commonlit.; 1:1 Writing Conferences; It Couldn't be Done Stanzas 1 and 2 Quick Check
    March 5 and 6 L to J Socratic Discussion
    March 7 - 9 WYRW Common Lit and Writing Conferencing
    No Membean this week but please Read 20 min 4x in the 7 day week.
    February 26 - L to J - Socratic Discussion Questions
    February 27th  - P 29 Self Assessment, Argument Essay Rubric andEverest Essay Due
    February 28th - DVLA Reading
    March 1 - DVLA Writing
    March 2 - Vocabulary Parade +DVLA Writing + Pig Day Celebration
    Membean T, W, Th -  for 10 minutes or more; Read 20 min 4x in the week;
    February 19 - no school
    February 20 - Field Day - Read PEAK
    February 21 - WYRW -  Final Copy of Everest Essay and Self Review page 29 - Due Tuesday February 27th
    February 22 - Self Review
    February 23 Finish Peak 
    Membean M,T, W, Th for 10 minutes or more; Read 20 min 4x in the week; Practice Poem It Couldn't be Done
    February 12 - Team Everest Film
    February 13 - Revise and Edit
    February 14 - Counterargument - Counterclaim and Rebuttal
    February 15 and 16 - Watercoloring Everest or Make-up work
    February 5, 6 - 8, 9  Membean M,T, Th - (NO WEDNESDAY) for 10 minutes or more; Read 20 min 4x in the week; Practice Poem It Couldn't be Done; Acclimatization p 25 Due Thursday (no late papers taken)
    Monday - L to J; Type in Intro and Closing - Poem
    Tuesday - Review "Secrets" "Family History" 
    Wednesday - No School
    Thursday - Family History Due
    Acclimatization p. 25 due or no Watercoloring next week.
    Friday - Personification Poem
    January 29-Feb 2 Membean M,T,W,TH for 10 minutes or more;
    Read 20 min 4x in the week; Practice Poem It Couldn't be Done
    Monday - L to J  Everest Argument Closing, It Couldn't be Done Practice
    Tuesday - Argument Body Paragraphs + transitions
    Wednesday - WYRW Self Review Argument Body Paragraphs 
    Thursday - Friday - PEAK Secrets Annotations and Questions
    January 22-26 - Membean M,T,W,TH for 10 minutes or more;
    Read 20 min 4x in the week; Practice Poem It Couldn't be Done
    Monday - L to J Go/Don't Go Decisions How to Reverse Notes
    Tuesday - Write one argument sentence that is explicit and one that is implicit and explain/elaborate. Share with partner
    Wednesday - WYRW - Chicken Foot Hook and Thesis - Share hook with partner
    Thursday Flee Map 3 reasons write thesis statement and closing with a sinker
    Friday - Half Day - Questions to build Student Unit for May
    January 16-19
    Tuesday - Read and Annotate Peak - Review Life Quotes p 17 in packet Due Thursday (Three Life Quotes needed to complete prayer flag)
    Wednesday, Thursday - Read "ABC" Annotate and Analyze (due Friday)
    Friday - Himalayan Prayer Flags and Minor Character work
    January 8 - 12
    Monday - L to J - Me Presentation Speakers and Listeners requirements
    Tuesday - Peak Quiz Junior Achievement
    Wednesday - Annotations - 7-25  41-45
    Thursday - Knots and You tube EVEREST - You tube challenge
    Friday - Everest Go - Don't Go Reverese Notes
    Monday - L to J - Membean and Theme - "Gift of the Magi"
    Tuesday -Thursday - Membean Arguemnet RACER paragraphs  - theme - collect pages WYRM
    Friday - 1/2 day - TBD
    No Membean at home this week. 
    Read Self-Selected book
    December 11-15
    Monday - SRI Evaluation
    Tuesday-Friday - Short Stories and Literary Devices
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    December 4-8
    L to J "The Open Window" or "The Landlady"
    Tuesday and Wednesday - Cause and Effect RACER Paragraphs and Sentence Variety
    Thursday and Friday - "Bargain" and irony RACER
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    November 27-Dec 1
    Monday - L to J  - Sentence Variety Review
    Tuesday  Identify Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences; Adjective Clauses
    Wednesday - Thursday - Short Stories - The Telltale Heart - proving inferences. - RACER paragraph using simple, compound and complex sentences.
    Friday - Half Day TBD
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    November 13-17
    Monday - L to J and Captilization and Prepositional Phrase Review
    Tuesday - Coordinate Conjunctions and Compound Sentences
    Wednesday  - Practice Coordinate Conjunctions and Compound Sentences vs. Simple Sentences
    Thursday - WYRM Subordinate Conjuctions and Complex Sentences
    Friday - Practice Subordinate Conjuctions and Complex Sentences vs Compound and Simple Sentences
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    November 6-9
    Monday - L to J and Prepositional Phrase Practice
    Tuesday - Capitalization Practice   
    Wednesday - Veteran's Day Guest Speaker and WYRM on Wednesday
    Thursday - Capitalization and Prepositional Phrase practice
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    October 30- Nov 3
    Monday  L to J, WYRM
    Tues-Thursday - Membean Sentence Variety: Simple and Compound Sentences
    Friday 1/2 day TBD
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    October 23-27
    Monday  L to J, WYRM
    Tues-and Wednesday Explanatory Practice and Steps
    Thursday and Friday - DVLA Explanatory reading and writing tests
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    October 16-20
    Monday  L to J, WYRM
    Tues-Thursday/Friday -  TAPE p10 - Hooks p12 and Sinkers p13 and Explanations and Elaborations p14
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    October 10-13
    Tuesday - Read pages 31-34 in the Close Reader and answer short essays. Write an Objective 3rd person pt of view summary. Read "One Small Step" mini-autobiography
    Wednesday - Annotate "One Small Step"
    Thursday and Friday - Explicit and Implicit Questions and Answers
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    October 2-6
    Monday L to J
    Tuesday - Wednesday Hooks and Sinkers Revise Burmese Python
    Thursday - Membean Assessment and WYRM
    Friday - 1/2 day STEAM activity and competition
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    September 25-29
    Monday L to J, WYRM
    Tuesday Metacognition (Looking back at where we've been) - Moving Forward  Writing Rubric
    Wednesday - Author Purpose and T.A.P.E.
    Thursday and Friday - Point of View
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    Read Self-selected book
    Sept. 18-20
    L to J quiz and finish movie and Text to movie comparison sheet
    Tuesday and Wednesday
    Freak the Mighty Quest (costumes encouraged)
    好色导航work: 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    September 11-15
    Monday Monday LtoJ quiz over ELA Key Concepts, WhatYaReaingMonday (WYRM)
    Tuesday Read 20-22 Inferential Question 
    Wednesday Membean and read 23-25
    Thursday - Compare and Contrast old Max vs. new Max
    Friday 1/2 day TBD
    好色导航work: Read 75 pages, 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    September 5-8 in school work and assignments
    September 5th - Text to Film comparsion clips Freak the Mighty Read Chapter 15
    September 6th (Mrs. Sprague at District Training) Membean in school 15 minute session, Read Freak the Mighty Chapters 16 and 17, list most significant events in 17. 
    Thursday Summarize Chapter 17 Read 18 and 19
    Friday Compare and Contrast settings   Read 20 Compare and contrast how to 
     好色导航work: Read 75 pages, 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    August 28- September 1
    Monday LtoJ quiz over ELA Key Concepts, WhatYaReaingMonday (WYRM),
    Final Opportunity for Quality QuoteTuesday - Finish Socratic Discussion questions and How to Demonstrate Active Listening
    Wednesay -Friday Socratic Discussion
    Friday - Membean 15 minutes in school session
    好色导航work: Read 100 pages, 2 -15 minute sessions on Membean.com
    August 21-27
    Monday LtoJ quiz over ELA Key Concepts, WhatYaReaingMonday (WYRM), Membean in school session
    Tuesday - 3 Type ?s
    Wed. and Thurs. Socratic Discussion Questions/Answers
    Quality Quote due Thurs
    Friday 1/2 day TBA (to be announced)
    好色导航work for the Week: Read 100 pages, Quality Quote quick look, Membean - 2 sessions of 15 minutes.
    August 14-18
    Monday - Reading Inventory - Mark WYRM cards
    Tuesday - Summarize Chapter Five Read Chapter Six Sequence 1-6
    Read Chapter 7
    Wednesday - Membean Vocabulary Program Calibrate and Learn
    Thursday - Cause → Effect Man vs Society - Read 8 - 10
    Compare/Contrast Kevin and Max
    Friday - Read and Summarize Read 12-14
    好色导航work for the Week: Read 100 pages, Quality Quote quick look, Membean - 1 session of 15 minutes.
    August 7-13 
    Monday - Welcome  WhatchaReadingMonday
    Tuesday Art of Writing
    Wednesday  WYRM - 好色导航work Reading
    Thursday Writing Preview
    Friday Freak the Mighty 1-5
Last Modified on July 30, 2022