• My goal for math this year is to have the students learn the standards and go out of 5th grade feeling more confident in math than they felt at the beginning of the year. A good classroom is a place where student should not be afraid to explain their reasoning for fear of being wrong. Students should feel comfortable with their teacher and peers so that they are able to discuss and challenge eachothers reasoning and answers in a way that will help all to build their mathematical knowledge and a deeper understanding. One of the areas that is so commonly lacking in both children and adults is confidence especially in the area of math. I will strive to help build your students confidence in math, by showing a variety of approaches that can help them to get to an answer. There are many ways to get to an answer, your students need to be able to explain their thinking to others. When a student can explain their reasoning clearly for others to understand, they usually have a good grasp on the material they have learned.

    Math Standards - What we are learning?

    Our state along with 45 others have adopted the common core standards. These standards will allow your children to grow up meeting the expectations that the country has. Our country is finally trying to meet a need in education like never before. Our children will graduate high school ready to meet the demands for college and careers and real world problem solving.

    For more information on the state math standards please visit,

    There are 5 Domains addressed in 5th Grade Math. Below you will see the standard domain area the code or short hand version and the key points addressed in that domain.

    ***Codes: When I list the standards covered in a lesson I list them using the codes that Common Core has suggested. For example 5.OA.1 means 5th grade Operations and Algebraic Thinking standard 1. These codes are universal so you can easily search them for clarification.


    Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Code - OA)

    Write and interpret numerical expressions.

    Analyze patterns and relationships.

    Number and Operations in Base Ten (Code - NBT)

    Understand the place value system.

    Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

    Number and Operations—Fractions (Code - NF)

    Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.

    Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.

    Measurement and Data (Code - MD)

    Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.

    Represent and interpret data.

    Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition.

    Geometry (Code - G)

    Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

    Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.


    Best Practices - How do our students learn?

    Plan Do Study Act

    Students need to know what they are learning and why they need to learn it.They need to take ownership for their learning. They will do this by setting goals for themselves and monitoring and reflecting on their own progress. In order to meet this need Deer Valley has implemented a systems approach to throughout the district which the students know as PDSA.

    We start this process by identifying our goals for for success in life but specifically in 5th grade. We really highlight our goals for 5th grade using our State and District Tests. As a class we write a mission statement that includes words to live by in our classroom to help us meet our big goals for the year. From this point we then break our goals into smaller pieces called learning cycles. These are based on each individual unit/ module taught. In fifth grade there are 6 Modules so We will have 6 cycles this year. Each cycle has 4 parts - plan, do, study and act.

    P - PLAN

    The first step is to make a plan. We do this by addressing the specific objectives and standards we are going to meet during a particualr unit. We then write a measurable goal. We use the pre, mid and post assessments to measure our goal and to show growth.

    D - DO

    What are we going to do to accomplish our goals? What is the teacher and the students going to do? What strategies are we going to use? We regularly use these 8 Mathematical Practicss for the Common Core.

    Mathematical Practices

    1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

    2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

    3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

    4. Model with mathematics.

    5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

    6. Attend to precision.

    7. Look for and make use of structure.

    8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

    S - STUDY

    This is where the students record their progress. Each class has a graoh posted to see if the class met their goals. Each student also has a personal data folder where they keep their personal goals for each unit. We then do plus/deltas to give feedback for what worked for the unit, and what things could have been more helpful.

    A - ACT

    Using the results given in the study we then reasses to see if the goal we set worked or if it did not. We then make a new plan and start the next cycle.


    Curriculum - What currlcilum are we Using?

    We are using a curriculum called i-Ready Math. This is a new curriculum to us this year, and I am really excited to have this for our students.  By teaching a variety of methods and strategies it gives the students a stronger mathematical foundation and helps to build their confidence. For those of you who are used to the old format with modules are going to find i-Ready to be different. This new curriculum is broken into units, then into lessons and then into sessions, so each unit contains multiple lessons, and each lesson contains multiple sessions. 

    Quarter 1 

    Standards Addressed: 5 MD C.3, 5 MD C.4, 5 MD C.5, 5 NBT B.5, 5 NBT B.6

    Whole Number Operations and Applications: Volume, Multiplication, and Division
    First 5 Days of Math
    Understand Volume
    Find Volume Using Unit Cubes
    Find Volume Using Formulas
    Multiply Whole Numbers
    Divide Whole Numbers

    Standards Addressed: 5 NBT A.1, 5 NBT A.2, 5 NBT A.3, 5 NBT A.4

    Decimals and Fractions: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
    Understand Place Value
    Understand Powers of 10
    Read and Write Decimals
    Compare and Round Decimals

    Quarter 2

    Standards Addressed: 5 NBT B.7, 5 NF A.1, 5 NF A.2

    Decimals and Fractions: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
    Add Decimals
    Subtract Decimals
    Add Fractions
    Subtract Fractions
    Add and Subtract in Word Problems

    Standards Addressed: 5 NBT A.1, 5 NBT B.7

    More Decimals and Fractions: Multiplication and Division
    Multiplying a Decimal by a Whole Number
    Multiply Decimals
    Divide Decimals

    Quarter 3

    Standards Addressed: 5 NF B.3, 5 NF B.4, 5 NF B.5, 5 NF B.6, 5 NF B.7,

    More Decimals and Fractions: Multiplication and Division
    Fractions as Division
    Understand Multiplication by a Fraction
    Multiply Fractions to Find Area
    Understand Multiplication as Scaling
    Multiply Fractions in Word Problems
    Understand Division with Unit Fractions
    Divide Unit Fractions in Word Problems

    Standards Addressed: 5 MD A.1, 5 MD B.2

    Measurement, Data, and Geometry: Converting Units, Using Data, and Classifying Figures
    Convert Measurement Units
    Solve Word Problems Involving Conversions

    Quarter 4

    Standards Addressed: 5 G B.3, 5 G B.4

    Measurement, Data, and Geometry: Converting Units, Using Data, and Classifying Figures
    Make Line Plots and Interpret Data
    Understand Categories of Two-Dimensional Figures
    Classify Two-Dimensional Figures

    Standards Addressed: 5 OA A.1, 5 Oa A.2, 5 G A.1, 5 G A.2, 5 G B.3

    Algebraic Thinking and the Coordinate Plane: Expressions, Graphing Points, Patterns and Relationships
    Evaluate, Write, and Interpret Expressions
    Understand the Coordinate Plane
    Represent Problems in the Coordinate Plane
    Analyze Patterns and Relationships