

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. San Jose State University, M.Ed. National University

Mrs. Beeman


Welcome to Union Park Fifth Grade!

 What makes teaching so great:
 I am Karen Beeman, and I am so excited to be teaching 5th grade at Union Park this year.  I am a very passionate and energetic teacher. I have always enjoyed teaching mathematics, so I am so excited to be teaching math in fifth grade again this year. One of the things I like best about teaching is expecting the unexpected. As a teacher, I can plan, organize and schedule, but I also know, no two days will be the same. That is what makes my job so much fun.

Now here is a little about me:

My family and I moved here from Northern California 14 years ago.  We love living in Arizona. One of my favorite pastimes is spending time with my husband, Don, and my four boys, Matthew, Nick, Taylor and Adam.  They keep me very busy when I am not teaching. As a family we enjoy going to baseball games, camping, playing games, swimming, traveling and much more. I am also very involved with Scouts with my boys. I enjoy reading, crafting and watching movies in my free time.
Some of my favorite things:
I love the colors aqua, turquoise, peach and salmon I enjoy eating out with my family. I love shopping at Target, Kohls, and Amazon. I enjoy reading on my Kindle. I love Starbucks' Iced White Mochas and I love country music. My happy places are school, home and the BEACH.