Reward and Discpline Policy

  • Reward and Discipline Policy

    I am committed to quality education for all students.  All students deserve the most positive educational climate possible for academic and social growth.  I have a set of well-defined classroom rules designed to promote a safe, nurturing classroom environment that is conducive to learning.  To create such an environment, I teach, encourage, coach, and reinforce appropriate behavior and good choices when following the classroom rules.  


    Our classroom rules follow Mountain Shadows’s student Code of Conduct.  These four rules are:

    1. Be safe.
    2. Be responsible.
    3. Be respectful.  
    4. Be kind.  


    The following are consequences for not making good choices.  

    • Teacher Warning
    • Student reflection time
    • Email/phone call to parents
    • Office Referral


    I also use rewards for good choices.  Here are examples of rewards your child has in the classroom.  


    • Praise and encouragement
    • Happy notes home
    • Special helper
    • stickers

    I encourage you to join me in a cooperative and supportive effort to provide a safe school and classroom environment conducive to learning.  Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.

    I look forward to working with you to make this a productive school year for your child.