• log in for United States History book
    Q1  Geography, states and capitals! Here is theyour student will be singing all year long! ENJOY! 
    Q2 Geography and Revolutionary War 
    Q3 Constitution, Government
    Q4 Westward Expansion, Prelude to Civil War, Civil War, Industrial Revolution

     and  are amazing programs we use in 5th grade at Anthem School. Click on either, to learn more. (New window will open)

    5th grade learning requirements are:

    Geography- Places and regions, physical systems. 

    American History- Early civilizations, Revolution and New Nations. 

    Economics- Foundations of economics, Global economics. BIZTOWN!!!! Field Trip $40 for supplies and transportation costs. 

    Civics / Government- Structure of government, Functions of governments. JA! 

    World History- Age of Revolution, world in transition, World at war, Renaissance and reformation. 

    What are ISNs?
    The Interactive Student Notebook is an amazing resourse. It will be used often, and referred to in class. The purpose of this interactive notebook is to enable you to be a creative, independent thinker and writer. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities where you will be asked to express your own ideas and process the information given in class. 

    What is the reasoning behind them?
    This notebook style uses both the right and left brain hemispheres to help you sort, categorize and remember and creatively interact with the new knowledge you're gaining.  The more you process information the more you begin to understand it.  This leads to longer retention.  If you keep up with your notebook, it will become your book, study guide and ISN all in one! 

    How do I set up my notebook?
    Author's page: This page is all about you, your interests, hobbies, and creative side! 

    Table of Contents: used for listing each item in your notebook with page numbers.  This is kept current, organized and will serve useful during notebook checks, and when trying to find topics. 

     Page Numbers: Each page must be numbered (left side = reflections) (right side = notes) 

    Questions to help guide you while studying your notes:
    What’s my purpose for this reading this? 
    What’s the BIG picture here? 
    What information is important here? 
    How can I summarize this information? 
    How can I organize this information?
    How can I "see",  this information? 
    What’s my "way," to remember this info? HOMES, E I, E I O....
    What more do I need to know? (Use your online SS book and code in your agenda to review lessons) 

    How will it be organized?
    The Left Side: 
    The left spiral page demonstrates your understanding of the information from the notes on the right side page. You work with the input, and INTERACT with the information in creative, unique and individual ways.  The left side incorporates and reflects how you learn social studies as well as what you learn in social studies.  It stresses that writing down notes doesn’t mean you have learned the material.  You must actively do something with it. A new and different reflection is expected with each lesson, ideas on 1/2 pg. 2 in ISN. Be creative!

    What goes on the Left side?  (Use page 2's 1/2 sheet handout for reflection ideas) 
    •Thinking mapsPuzzles
    Journal entries
    Pop ups

    Things to Remember for Left Sides:
    Every Left side will be a reflection for the right side's notes. 
    Always include color… It helps the brain learn and organize information.
    Reflections (homework) go on left sides. 
    Fill the page.
    Include a 4-5 sentence summary, that encompases your notes / learning

    The Right Side:  
    Notes are located on the right side of the ISN. This is all the information that you are supposed to learn.  It is testable material, these are your "study guides."
    Effective note-taking is imperative in school now, in years to come, and in college. 

    What goes on the Right Side?
    •Text or other sources
    •Vocabulary words
    •Learning video notes
    •Practice pages

    Things to remember for Right Sides:
    Always start the page with the title, and the Learning Objective (LO), at the top of the page.
    The right page is for writing notes in class. 
    Use crayons or colored pencil to make important information stand out.
    We never use markers in class. They are messy and go through pages, we use both sides. 


Last Modified on July 31, 2024