
    Thursday, September 12, 2024

    ELA - Close Read Hatchet, Compare and Contrast character in Hatchet with character from last week

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 2 Lesson 1, The Fertile Crescent

    MATH - Unit 1 Test - Retake Next Thursday (must be redone for below 70%, optional for everyone)

    SCIENCE - Read 141 - 150



    Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    ELA - Compare and Contrast, Hatchet

    SOCIAL STUDIES - September 11 Information - Look for the Good

    MATH - Unit 1 Review, Test Thursday

    SCIENCE - Read 141 - 150

    Math Test  September 12


    Tuesday, September 10, 2024

    ELA - First Read, Hatchet, 10 Questions plus writing - FINISH 

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1 Test

    MATH - Unit 1 Lesson 18, Cubes and Squares, Test Thursday

    SCIENCE - Freezing Water Complete up to Number 10 (except Number 6)

    Math Test  September 12



    Monday, September 9, 2024

    ELA - First Read, Hatchet, 10 Questions plus writing

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1 Review, Blooket, Test Tuesday - STUDY

    MATH - Unit 1 Lesson 17, Cubes and Squares, Practice Problems

    SCIENCE - Freezing Water

    Social Studies Test September 10

    Math Test  September 12



    Thursday, September 5, 2024

    ELA - Independent Read, Red Scarf Girl ( Quiz and Writing today )   DUE TODAY

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1 Review, On Page 24, Choose any ten questions and complete them, Due Friday

    MATH - Unit 1 Lesson 15, All 5 Practice Problems Due FRIDAY

    SCIENCE - Condensation, Pages 103 - 109 = Due Friday

    Social Studies Test September 10

    Math Test  September 12



    Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    ELA - Personal Response, the First Read of Red Scarf Girl (no quiz or writing today, just read)

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1, Art Inquiry Lesson, Topics  D and E

    MATH - Unit 1 Lesson 14, Nets, Practice Problems, then Redo Mid Test

    SCIENCE - Condensation, Pages 103 - 109 = Continuing Thursday and Friday


    Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    ELA - Moral Quarrell - Online, In Class

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1, Art Inquiry Lesson, Topics A B and C (15 questions)

    MATH - Unit 1 Lesson 13, Polyhedra, Practice Problems 1 - 6 --->  Redo Mid Test Wednesday

    SCIENCE - Water Molecules using Gumdrops



    Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    ELA - Mighty Miss Malone - Close Read - 5 Sentences and Paragraph

                        Due Today - Many Still Missing This

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1, Lesson 4, Quiz

    MATH - Unit 1 - Review Mid Test - Redo Mid Test next Wednesday

    SCIENCE - Water and Washer, Pages 74 - 79 (all assigned due today)

    Make sure ALL the assigned work for Monday and Tuesday is done.


    Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    ELA - Mighty Miss Malone - Close Read - 5 Sentences and Paragraph

                        Due by Wednesday - There WILL be time to work Wednesday.

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1, Lesson 4, Notes

    MATH - Unit 1, Mid Unit Test 

    SCIENCE - Water and Washer, Pages 74 - 79 (8 9 10 11)

    Make sure ALL the assigned work for Monday and Tuesday is done.


    Monday, August 26, 2024

    ELA - Mighty Miss Malone - Character Study

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Unit 1, Lesson 4, Read  about Neolithic Age

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 10, Triangles, Mid Unit Test Tuesday

    SCIENCE - Water and Washer, Pages 74 - 79 (2 charts, #4 and #7)



    Thursday, August 22, 2024

    ELA - First Read, Mighty Miss Malone, 5 Questions with Text Evidence

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Paleolithic versus Neolithic Picture, DUE FRIDAY

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 8, Area of Paralellograms, Practice Problems 2 - 3 -  5

    SCIENCE - Air Has Mass, Page 52- 53, 1 - 3


    Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    ELA - Making Connections, Bark George

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Paleolithic versus Neolithic Picture, DUE FRIDAY

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 7, Area of Paralellograms, Practice Problems 1-6

    SCIENCE - Molecule Movement in Gasses, 56 - 60


    Tuesday, August 20, 2024

    ELA - Making Connections, done in StudySync together

         PLUS - Many still owe - Academic Vocabulary, Digging Deep, Matching and Sentences

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 2, Quiz

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 6, Area of Paralellograms, Practice Problems 1-6

    SCIENCE - Molecule Movement, Ball and Stick Experiment, Page 42 - 43 Diagrams #6 and #7


    Monday, August 19, 2024

    ELA - Academic Vocabulary, Digging Deep, Matching and Sentences

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 2, Agricultural Revolution, Notes Lesson 2

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 5, Paralellograms, Practice Problems 1-7

    SCIENCE - Molecule Movement, Ball and Stick Experiment, Pages 41 - 42 (#3 4 5)


    Thursday, August 15, 2024

    ELA - Close Read, Eleven, Plus Paragraph - How does figurative Language...?

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 2, Agricultural Revolution Topics E

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 3, Practice Problems 

    SCIENCE - Movement of Molecules in Solid, Page 41, #1 and #2


    Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    ELA - Figurative Language in StudySync

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 2, Agricultural Revolution Topics C and D

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 2, Practice Problems

    SCIENCE - Temperature of Molecules and Their Movement, pages 21 - 22 - 23


    Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    ELA - Text Evidence in StudySync

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 2, Agricultural Revolution Topics A and B

    MATH - NWEA Math MAP Test

    SCIENCE - NWEA Math MAP Test


    Monday, August 12, 2024

    ELA - Text Dependent Response & Redo Eleven Questions if needed

    SOCIAL STUDIES - Topic 1, Lesson 1, Early Humans 

    MATH - Unit 1, Lesson 1, Practice Problems 1 - 5

    SCIENCE - Temperature of Molecules and Their Movement, pages 21 - 22 - 23

    PETER PIPER PIZZA NIGHT - Tuesday, August 13, 2024



    Thursday, August 8, 2024


    SOCIAL STUDIES - HT23 - H32 History & Geography

    MATH - First Five Days of Math, Day 4 Expanding Your Thinking

    SCIENCE - Water Droplets and Sheet 9 and 10 in packet


    Wednesday, August 7, 2024

    ELA - NWEA Online Assessment

    SOCIAL STUDIES - NWEA Online Assessment

    MATH - First Five Days of Math, Day 3 - Perseverance

    SCIENCE - NWEA Online Assessment


    Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    ELA - Context Clues - MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT

    SOCIAL STUDIES - HT17 - HT 22 - Interpret History

    MATH - First Five Days of Math, Day 2 The Power of Mistakes

    SCIENCE - Tanker Car Implosion - Go Over Questions from Monday


    Monday, August 5, 2024

    ELA - Blast Blast Away - Getting to know online ELA Study Sync

    SOCIAL STUDIES - HT11 - HT16 How does a historian work?

    MATH - First Five Days of Math, Day 1 The Power of Yet

    SCIENCE - Tanker Car Implosion - Write Questions


    NOTE - AASA Test Results from last Spring were sent home today