• 好色导航Assessment Philosophy


    Assessment is the systematic collection of data about student learning based on standards and the use of that data to create a continuous cycle of improved teaching and learning. The 好色导航learning community believes that assessment is for student learning, is student-centered and involves a commitment by all stakeholders. 



    好色导航Assessment Intent


    District assessments are a part of an effective assessment system intended to determine both a current student performance level and measure of the guaranteed and viable, standards-based curriculum implemented across the district. In order to inform instruction, measure student learning, and close achievement gaps, 好色导航endorses the use of  diverse classroom assessment data, such as formative, summative, performance-based, portfolio, and student observation. Results are used in conjunction with district, state, and national assessment data to form a picture of student learning. 好色导航celebrates data indicators that provide opportunity for growth in the goal of providing an extraordinary educational experience for all students. 

    Arizona State Achievement Test (Grades 3-12)

    All Arizona public schools, including districts schools and charter schools, are required to properly administer state and federally mandated assessments.
    For information about Arizona's Academic Standards Assessment in DVUSD, click here.
    For information about the Arizona's Academic Standards Assessment from the Arizona Department of Education, click .

    DIBELS 8th Edition (Grades K-3)

    In the Deer Valley Unified School District, all Kindergarten through third grade students are assessed using the DIBELS 8th Edition screener in August, December and May.
    The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) 8th Edition are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through eigth grade. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.
    DIBELS 8th Edition are comprised of six measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, and reading comprehension. DIBELS 8th Edition was designed for use in identifying children experiencing difficulty in acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties. For more information, click .