High School ELA Courses

  • Program Opportunities


    Aspire-- Deer Valley's Online Learning Program

    Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit for courses taken online through Aspire at the Innovation Center. Most district English Language Arts classes are available in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters for general, credit recovery, and Honors coursework. For more information click here or contact your high school counseling department. 


    Advanced Placement Program

    The Advanced Placement Program offers 好色导航students college-level courses. In Advanced Placement (AP) courses, students can earn college credit, placement, or both by qualifying AP exam scores. The AP exams are taken in late spring of each year. For more information, please contact your high school counseling department.

    • AP Language and Composition
    • AP Literature and Composition


    College Dual Enrollment 

    Dual enrollment courses are offered for specified English Language Arts courses.  These courses are offered at the high school and taught by high school teachers with community college certification. Students who successfully complete these courses will earn both high school credit and college credit.  There will be a community college tuition fee for these courses.  These courses may be identified by a different course code listed below by availability at each of our high school campuses.  Juniors and seniors may enroll in dual enrollment courses (underclassman need administrative approval).  For more information please contact your high school counseling department.

    Barry Goldwater High School

    • Introduction to Literature (ENH 110/111)
    • English Composition (ENG 101/102)

    Boulder Creek High School  

    • English Composition/Introduction to Literature(ENG 101/110)
    • English Composition (ENG 102/111)

    Deer Valley High School

    • English Composition/Introduction to Literature (ENG 101/110)
    • English Composition/Technical Writing (ENG 102/111)

    Mountain Ridge High School

    • Introduction to Literature (ENH 110/111)
    • English Composition (ENG 101/102)

    Sandra Day O'Connor High School

    • Introduction to Literature (ENH 110)
    • English Composition (ENG 101/102)


    Honors Program

    Honors courses provide an in-depth study and are designed to prepare students for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Dual Enrollment courses.  Teacher recommendation, grades, and test scores are considered for eligibility in the course. Honors courses are available for the following.  For more information please contact your high school counseling department.

    • English 1-2 H
    • English 3-4 H



ELA Writing