Member Expectations

  • See By-Laws for full descriptions


    • Grade point average of 3.75 or higher.

    • No citizenship marks of N or U.

    • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at Terramar for at least one semester.

    • Must display qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character.

    • Students transferring membership must provide proof of membership and will then become automatic members.

    • Selections of members are made by the Faculty Council.


    • 10 hours of community service each quarter. 

    • 4 hours NJHS sponsored community service during school year.

    • Must maintain a 3.75 grade point average or higher.

    • No citizen marks of N or U.

    • Must continue at all times to display qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character.

    • Must attend meetings regularly with the allowance of two missed meetings during the school year, this includes all NJHS project meetings.

    • Must communicate any absences from NJHS meetings and events with Adviser.


    • Active members must attend meetings and participate in projects on a regular basis.

    • Members may choose an inactive state to fulfill other obligations for a portion of the year.  They must take a leave of absence and only one per year.  If a student is dismissed from NJHS or quits voluntarily, they may not be a member of the Terramar chapter of NJHS in the future which may impact their chances of becoming a member of the National Honor Society in High School.


    • Grade point average falls below 3.75 for more than one quarter.

    • Any citizen marks of N or U.

    • Fails to display qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, or character.

    • Fails to complete 10  hours of community service each quarter or fails to complete the 4 hours of NJHS-sponsored community service.

    • Suspension from school.


    • Students with a grade point average of below 3.75 for one quarter shall be placed on probation for the following quarter.  Students will still be active members in NJHS and probation will be held in the strictest confidentiality.  If the student fails to raise their grade point average to 3.75 or higher, the Faculty Council will hold a hearing to review the case and make a decision on membership status.

    • Members who fall below the standards for membership shall be warned in writing by the chapter adviser and given a reasonable amount of time to correct deficiency except for in the case of a flagrant violation or school rules or civil laws, or suspension.

    • The Faculty Council shall determine when an individual has exceeded a reasonable number of warnings at which time the Faculty Council will hold a hearing to review the case to make a decision on membership status.

    • Members who have been dismissed may appeal the decision of the Faculty Council.  The principal of Terramar  School shall receive and handle all appeals.


    • Students must complete 10 hours of community service each quarter in the required hours.  4 hours of service must be NJHS-sponsored community service projects.

    • Students are responsible for completing and turning in Proof of Community Service worksheet(s) every quarter.

    • Service hours are due no later than the end of each quarter.  They should be submitted immediately after the service has been performed.  

    • Students who do not complete their hours per quarter will be given approximately one week to comply with the service hour requirements.