?4th Grade News ?

  • Friday, September 6 is a FULL Day.
    Friday, September 13 is Early Release at 1:30PM.

??This Week in Math???

  • This week in math, students will be taking the Lesson 3 (rounding numbers) Quiz on Tuesday.  On Wednesday we begin Lesson 4 Adding Whole Numbers.  


    Lesson 3:

    • 4.NBT.A.3 - Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place 

    I can...

    • Round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
    • Explain how to round a multi-digit whole number to a specific place.

    Lesson 4:

    • 4.NBT.B.4 - Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. 

    I can...

    • Use place-value strategies to add two or more multi-digit whole numbers.
    • Develop fluency with the standard algorithm for addition when adding multi-digit whole numbers up to 999,999.
    • Use an estimating strategy with rounded numbers to check for reasonableness of a sum.

    Lesson Vocabulary:

    Lesson 4:

    • reasonable  - something that makes sense when given facts are taken into account.
    • regroup - to compose or decompose ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so forth. For example, 10 ones can be regrouped as 1 ten, or 1 hundred can be regrouped as 10 tens.
    • addend - a number being added.
    • algorithm - a set of routine steps used to solve problems.
    • estimate (verb) - to give an approximate number or answer based on mathematical thinking.
    • round - to approximate the value of a number by finding the nearest ten, hundred, or other place value.
    • sum - the result of addition. 
    • digit - any of the symbols used to write numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9


    Lesson 3:

    • estimate (verb) - to give an approximate number or answer based on mathematical thinking.
    • round - to approximate the value of a number by finding the nearest ten, hundred, or other place value. 
    • justify - to prove something is right or correct by giving good reasons for it. 


    updated Week of 9/2

??This Week in Language Arts?

  • This week in Reading we will

    • Decode vocabulary words using long and short "a" vowel sounds.
    • Identify and understand the elements that make a story.

    This week in Writing we will

    • Discuss the features of a Personal Narrative
    • Discuss the Writing Process

??This Week in Social Studies??

  • In our first unit in social studies we will compare and contrast Mesoamerican civilizations (Maya, Aztec and Inca) by answering the following essential standards:

    1. How does a civilization develop and grow?
    2. What makes a civilization?
    3. What are the characteristics of a complex society?
    4. What makes a complex society complex?
    5. How does culture influence the way people live?

?This Week in Science ?

  • This week's inquiry questions:

    What are other factors that cause landforms to change?


    Standards for Quarter 1:

    4.E1U1.5  Use models to explain seismic waves and their effect on the Earth.

    4.E1U1.6 Plan and carry out an investigation to explore and explain the interactions between Earth’s major systems and the impact on Earth’s surface materials and processes. 

    4.E1U1.7 Develop and/or revise a model using various rock types, fossil location, and landforms to show evidence that Earth’s surface has changed over time.

    4.E1U2.10 Define problem(s) and design solution(s) to minimize the effects of natural hazards.


Contact Info

  • Mr. Cohon
    Science & Math
    Classroom Phone: 623-445-7658
    Email:  alex.cohon@dvusd.org
    Mrs. Hudson
    Math & Science
    Classroom Phone:  623-445-7659    
    Email:  tina.hudson@dvusd.org
    Mrs. Miller
    ELA & Social Studies
    Classroom Phone:  623-445-7657
    Email:  katelyn.miller@dvusd.org
    Mrs. Donat
    ELA & Social Studies
    Classroom Phone:  623-445-7660
    Email:  kimberlee.donat@dvusd.org

Mission Statement

  • We the Students of Terramar’s 4th Grade, in Order to form a more proper Classroom Environment to establish Hard Workers, promote Self Confidence and Good Behaviors and secure Respect to everyone at school, do ordain and establish this Mission Statement for the 4th Grade Classes of Terramar Academy of the Arts.



Upcoming Events

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