• Dear Parents:

    Your child’s educational success is my number one priority, but I cannot do this alone. With all of us working as a team, your child can succeed in ways that are unimaginable. We will work very hard this year. Your child is ready to learn and excited about it and I am excited about teaching them. Each and every one of your children are very important to me. As parents, I ask that you do the following at home with your child:

    *Practice math facts
    *make sure that your child reads 5 nights a week for 20 minutes
    *make sure that your child studies their spelling/phonics skills nightly
    *make sure that your child gets the rest that they need to be a
    responsible and productive student.

    Your child will have nightly Reading and Spelling homework, which will come home on Fridays and will be due the following Thursday. Any Math pages that are not completed in class will be sent home for homework, so your child might not have math nightly.

    I believe that children can exceed beyond what we as adults think that they are capable of and I will be challenging your child. I want them to love learning so that it will carry on throughout their educational future.

    In order for us to have a safe and productive learning environment we will be utilizing a positive behavior program. Students can earn Titan Tickets for following expectations in the classroom as well as around campus. They will be able to use these Titan Tickets to purchase small items and privileges from our class store. They will also be able to enter their Titan Tickets in to a school drawing. In addition to the Titan Tickets your child has a Pride Card in his/her Terramar folder. On this card students can earn stickers or stamps for following expectations during our school day. When a child is disruptive in class it takes away from the education of all participants, including your child. I want each child in my classroom to have the same educational opportunity, so I cannot tolerate constant disruptions. 

    I am very excited for this up and coming year and I hope your child is as well. Please feel free to come and visit your child's classroom and share in their educational experience or contact me with any and all concerns.


    Mrs. Cooper

Contact Information


  • Regular Schedule:


    8:15-9:45 Reading 

    9:45-9:55 Recess

    9:55-10:20 Reading RTI

    10:20-11:00 Science

    11:00-11:40 Lunch/Recess

    11:40-11:55 Spelling

    11:55-12:30 Writing

    12:30-1:15 Specials

    1:15-1:45 Social Studies

    1:45-2:05 Math RTI 

    2:05-3:00 Math


    1:30 Release 


    8:15-9:45 Reading

    9:45-9:55 Recess

    9:55-10:05 Spelling

    10:05-10:30 RTI

    10:30-11:00 Specials

    11:00-11:30 Lunch

    11:30-11:40 Recess

    11:40-12:30 Social Studies/Science

    12:30- 1:30 Math


    For Specials we have a 6 Day Rotation

    Day 1 Art

    Day 2 Art

    Day 3 Music

    Day 4 P.E.

    Day 5 P.E.

    Day 6 P.E.