• Music Zoom Class Hours:

    Kindergarten- Wednesdays 1:30-2:15pm (with 1st Grade)

    1st Grade- Wednesdays 1:30-2:15pm (with Kindergarten)

    2nd Grade- Mondays 1:45-2:30pm

    3rd Grade- Thursdays 1:45-2:30pm 

    4th Grade- Wednesdays 12:45-1:30pm

    5th Grade-  Mondays 12:45-1:30pm

    6th Grade- Thursdays 12:05-12:50pm


    7-8 Zoom:

    7th Grade Music: Fridays 11:45-12:30pm (Quarter 3 Only)

    8th Grade Music: Fridays 11:00-11:45am (Quarter 1 Only)


    9-12 Zoom:

    Zoom office hours are by appointment only. Please reach out to Mr. Stanford on Canvas or by e-mailing me at jordan.stanford@dvusd.org if you'd like to meet for any reason. I'd be happy to schedule a meeting and help you with anything you might need.


    *For all K-12 Music students, I will also be at the Innovation Center on Tuesdays from 8:30am-12:00pm for in-person support and 1:00pm-3:30pm for an in-person music/support if you'd like to meet with me or do some activities. Please bring your Chromebook if you come to in-person music so that we can use it for some activities. Choir practice for interested full-time Aspire 4th-12th grade students will be right after from 3:30-4:15pm starting September 10th. 

    *All students or parents may also reach out to me by e-mail at jordan.stanford@dvusd.org


    For High School Students


    Other Helpful Links:

    Link to District Technology page