Grading Rubric/Observeable Characteristics of Skills

  • Grading Rubric/Observeable Characteristics of Skill Proficiency


    PE Grade Rubric


    5 pts-

     Student is actively engaged in all activities.

    Student is always listening when the teacher is talking.

    Student participates in all activities.

    Student is always behaving in a respectful manner.

    Student achieves proficiency in all skills, games and activities.

    Student encourages others to do their best.

    Student is eager to assist teachers as well as fellow students.

    4 pts-

     Student is actively engaged in most activities.

    Student almost always listens when the teacher is talking.

    Student participates in most activities.

    Student rarely behaves in a disruptive manner.

    Student achieves utilization level of proficiency in all skills, games, and activities.

    Student gives support to others.

    Student offers to assist teachers and others often.

    3 pts-

    Student is actively engaged in some activities.

    Student usually listens when the teacher is talking.

    Student participates in some activities.

    Student sometimes is disruptive during the class.

    Student achieves control level of proficiency in all skills, games and activities.

    Student tries to give support to others.

    Student occasionally assists teacher or others.

    2 pts-

     Student is actively engaged in a few activities.

    Student occasionally listens when the teacher is talking

    Student participates in limited activities.

    Student is often disruptive.

    Student achieves precontrol level of proficiency in all skills, games and activities.

    Student rarely offers to support others.

    Student will assist teacher or others if asked.


     Student is actively engaged in none of the activities.

    Student rarely listens when the teacher is talking.

    Student usually does not participate.

    Student is always disruptive.

    Student does not achieve any level of proficiency in any skills, games and activities.

    Student never shows support for others.

    Student will not assist teacher or others.

    Class Readiness



    Student has the correct footwear (sneakers) on

    Student has his/her footwear tied securely to their feet (securely means that when the student is moving the heel of the student remains inside the shoe and is not lifting off the insole of the shoe).


    0pts- Student does not have sneakers for class.



    5pts- Notebook is complete. All notes are accurate and legible.

    3pts- Notebook is not complete, notes are accurate and legible.

    1pts- Notebook is barely written in, notes are inaccurate and unreadable.

    0pts- No notes are present.




    Observable characteristics of Skill Proficiency


    Proficiency Level- The skill has become almost automatic, and performances in a similar context appear almost identical.

    • The child is able to focus on extraneous variables- an opponent, an unpredictable object, the flow of travel-and still perform the skill as intended.
    • The movement often seems effortless as the child performs the skill with ease and seeming lack of attention.
    • The movement can be performed successfully in a variety of planned and unplanned situations as the child appears to modify performance to meet the demands of the situation.  
    • Utilization Level- The movement becomes more automatic and can be performed successfully, with concentration
    • Even when the context of the task is varied, the child can still perform the movement successfully.
    • The child has developed control of the skill in predictable situations and is beginning to be able to move skillfully in unpredictable situations. The child can execute the skill the same way consistently.
    • The child can use the skill in combination with other skills and still perform it appropriately.
    • Control Level- The child’s movements appear less haphazard and seem to conform more to the child’s intentions
    • Movements appear more consistent, and repetitions are somewhat alike.
    • The child begins to perform the skill correctly more frequently
    • The child’s attempt to combine one movement with another or perform the skill in relation to an unpredictable object or person is usually unsuccessful.
    • Because the movement isn’t automatic, the child needs to concentrate intensely on what he/she is doingPre-control Level- Child is unable to repeat movements in succession; one attempt doesn’t look like another attempt to perform the same movement.
    • Child uses extraneous movements that are unnecessary for efficiently performing the skill.
    • Child seems awkward and frequently doesn’t even come close to performing the skill correctly.
    • Correct performances are characterized more by surprise than by expectancy
    • When the child practices with a ball, the ball controls the child.