

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Forestry from Northern Arizona University M.A. Education (Curriculum and Instruction) from Chapman University

Mrs. Christine Allred

Christine received a Bachelor’s of Science in Forestry from Northern Arizona University. After many years as a Wildland Firefighter for the USDA Forest Service, Christine earned her Master’s in Education (Curriculum and Instruction) from Chapman University.  She began her career in education teaching 8th grade science at Deer Valley Middle School. After 5 years in middle school, Christine helped open Boulder Creek High School teaching Earth Science, Environmental Science, AP Environmental Science, and BIO 105 Environmental Biology for 11 years. In addition to teaching classes for Aspire, she has the role of Science Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Specialist for DVUSD.


“Millions saw the apple fall, Newton was the only one who asked why?” - Bernard M. Baruch

Last Modified on August 29, 2022