

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jessica Lindenmeier

My name is Mrs. Jessica Lindenmeier and I am very excited to be your Social Studies teacher! This is my 15th year in the Deer Valley Unified School District. I earned my B.A. in Secondary Education History from ASU (fear the fork!) and I completed my Master's in Educational Leadership and Administration from GCU in 2016. I serve as our K-12 Intervention Specialist for Aspire during the day but I have been part of our full-time teaching staff for four years prior to taking on this role and love teaching part-time with Aspire. Before my time with our online school, I taught many Social Studies subjects at Sandra Day O’Connor High School and Mountain Ridge High School. In all my spare time (haha) I love watching TV dramas (yes, I know, I am admitting my sad addiction), reading books, going to the gym, and I especially love hanging out with my family. I have a husband, an eleven-year-old boy named Isaac, and an eight-year-old little girl named Ellie. They are my life!

I am looking forward to a great semester!


Mrs. Lindenmeier

Last Modified on July 30, 2024