

Degrees and Certifications:

BA Communications AZ Teaching Certification Highly Qualified Middle School Social Studies Highly Qualified Middle School English Language Arts Master's Degree in Elementary Education

Mrs. Livingston



I graduated with a BA in Advertising Communications and started my first job in New York City.  I worked for a firm that bought national advertising for local newspapers all over the US.  My husband and I decided to settle in Arizona to raise our family.  As a young mother, I became involved in my children's education.  I volunteered as a room mother, class helper, library aid and worked in the PTA.  Eventually, the teachers asked me to register as a substitute and help even more.  It was fun to pop into a classroom, at the last minute, and create a meaningful day for students. After doing a long-term position for a local charter school, I was hired as a full-time teacher.  I decided that if I was going to teach, I should make it real. I enrolled in an online teaching program and could do my student teaching in my own classroom as I earned my certification.  After nine years of teaching second grade, I ventured to third grade for three years. I moved to Deer Valley Unified School District in 2017, taking a job as a 5th-grade teacher, and then moved to 6th grade for the next four years.  I came to Stetson Hills last year and enjoyed the opportunity to teach 6th-grade social studies. I am highly qualified as a middle school Social Studies teacher and middle school English Language Arts teacher and I have a Masters degree in Elementary Education. I am looking forward to an exciting year teaching 8th-grade social studies here at Stetson Hills!

Rabbits are my favorite animal and I am terrified of snakes. I can be bribed with peanut butter M&Ms and love to go out to dinner. When I have free time, I love to travel, especially if that involves seeing historic places. My husband Woody and I have been married 38 years and have four children and eight grandchildren.