• Ways to Achieve Success in this Class

    I’m sure you are wondering how you can do well in my course. It’s simple…you just need to make sure you read everything on each page and be an active participant in the class!! I have included in each module some course information pages before each assignment is given. If you skip over these pages, you will not be able to apply what you learned to the assignment, and each assignment is tailored to the content given before in those pages. In addition, make sure to watch all of the videos I have included. They are fun, informative, insightful, and just awesome!! You won’t want to skip them, and many are only a few minutes long (although there are some longer ones). My other advice is to make sure you don’t fall behind and also plan ahead. At the beginning of each week, look at all of the assignments due and plan accordingly.

    Course Ground Rules

    In order to maintain an excellent learning climate, students will be expected to adhere to the following:

    • Respect others in all forms of communication within the course. “Others” includes fellow students and the teacher. We will speak our minds with tact and courtesy in all forms of communication.
    • Be prepared. Make sure you have access to all required materials and technology needed to complete the course.
    • Follow Aspire's Program rules. All Aspire's rules, as outlined in the student handbook, will be enforced.

    Consequences for not following the above guidelines may include any and all of the following:

    • parental contact
    • referral to the Aspire Administration Team
    • loss of credit

    With the exception of extreme behaviors that warrant immediate response, it is my policy to warn students first and discuss their behavior before assigning consequences.

    Cases of cheating and plagiarism will be handled in accordance with the Eschool Student Handbook. While there are many different ways to cheat or plagiarize, please be aware that activities such as sharing material, copying work, and posting information on a web site are considered cheating. Students who choose to cheat and/or plagiarize will receive no credit for that work and will face further consequences as outlined in the Student Handbook.

    Communication Guidelines


    • Always include a subject line.
    • As you will learn in our unit on nonverbal behavior, without facial expressions some comments may be taken the wrong way. Be careful in wording your messages. Use of emoticons might be helpful in some cases.
    • Use standard fonts.
    • Do not send large attachments without permission.
    • Special formatting such as centering, audio messages, tables, html, etc. should be avoided unless necessary to complete an assignment or other communication.
    • Respect the privacy of other class members.

    Discussion Groups:

    • Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the discussion group. Be respectful of other’s ideas.
    • Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your remarks.
    • Be cooperative with group members in completing assigned tasks.
    • Be positive and constructive in group discussions.
    • Respond in a thoughtful and timely manner.
Last Modified on January 9, 2024