• Thinking Maps

    Thinking Maps is a language of eight visual patterns each based on a fundamental thinking process.  These patterns are used individually and in combination across every grade level curriculum area as an integrated set of tools for life-long learning.
    Thinking Maps provide a common visual language in classrooms and whole schools.  They enable easy transfer and continuous development of thinking processes across all content areas and grade levels.
    The eight maps are:  
    1. Circle Map is for Brainstorming or Defining in Context.
    2. Bubble Map is for Describing using adjectives or adjective phrases.
    3. Double Bubble Map is for Comparing and Contrasting.
    4. Tree Map is for Classifying.
    5. Brace Map is used for seeing Whole to Parts relationships.
    6. Flow Map is used for Sequencing.
    7. Multi-Flow Map is used for analyzing Cause and Effect relationships.
    8. Bridge Map is used for Seeing Analogies. 

     Thinking Maps