• scale and gavel

  • Mock Trial is a unique student-driven club where nearly every meeting is presided over with a real-life attorney. What club leadership hopes to instill in all members is that the Justice/Legal System is something that we truly should appreciate. The idea of due process (the judiciary) is an aspect of our nation that many authoritarian or theocratic governments fail to install. As such, innocent people are imprisoned for doing no harm while having no chance to defend themselves. Mock Trial impacts MRHS because it not only encourages a new generation of attorneys and justices, but also possess the power of student voice to encourage change, enhance our communities, and reach out to causes needing support and attention.

    All students interested in law, government, criminal justice, medicine, and public speech and debate are strongly encouraged to participate. Our annual Mock Trial competition is our most important event and takes place at the Maricopa County Superior Court. Here, our team presents, argues, and debates a court case no less than four times with other schools from around the valley in the presence of an official federal judge.