• Social Studies 好色导航page

    Social Studies

    Core Courses:
    • World History
    • Honors World History
    • Advanced Placement World History
    • US History
    • Advanced Placement American History
    • American/Arizona Government
    • Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics
    • Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
    • Dual Enrollment US History - HIS 103/104
    • Economics
    Elective Courses:
    • Psychology
    • Advanced Placement Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Dual Enrollment Sociology
    • Law in Society
    • Modern American History
    • Advanced Placement Human Geography

    An important goal of the Social Studies Department is to offer students opportunities to become responsible citizens and to find relevant real-world connections to the content that is taught in our classes. Students who have become involved in the clubs sponsored by our department have donated hundreds of hours to those in need in the community, brought awareness to the plight of others throughout the world and found a voice for their political beliefs and values.