•  Winner

    Class Expectations: 

    Students spend 9 hours a week on each course they are enrolled in (fall and spring semesters).

    Students spend 20 hours a week on each course they are enrolled in (summer semester).

    Students will turn all work in via Canvas.

    Students will turn items in on-time and meet deadlines.

    Students will participate in discussion boards and all posts/comments will be appropriate.

    Students will fill out weekly MyHours (fall and spring semesters).

    Students will message me via Canvas messenger when you have questions or concerns.


    Due Dates and Late Work:

    Due dates are considered a "hard" due date, meaning late work WILL BE DOCKED POINTS unless specified by the instructor to the student. The student needs to communicate with the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due, if the assignment is going to be late. 

    Late work: Late work will always be accepted. Also, I will not open up current modules for students who haven't completed previous assignments. Students need to complete the entire module before moving onto the next one.

Last Modified on August 11, 2023