• plan for success

      -Students spend 23 hours a week during summer courses on each course they are enrolled in.

      -Students will turn all work in via Canvas.

      -Students will turn items in on-time and meet deadlines.

      -Students will participate in discussion boards with appropriate responses.

      -Students will fill out weekly my hours logs.

      -Students will message me via Canvas messenger when you have questions or concerns.


    See the Due Date Calendar on your home page in canvas to help keep you organized:

    To be successful, you will need to log in daily and read announcements, check assignments and be active in the course.

    You will also need to do a workout each and every day school is in session.  You are not allowed multiple workouts in a single day for your performance tasks and participation.

    It is vital to check all participation logs and performance tasks at the beginning of the week to insure that you are prepared to meet the requirements for the week.