Phone: 602.467.6300


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Elementary Education M.A. Reading with an Emphasis in Elementary Education Dyslexia Certification Reading Endorsement

Michelle Marion

Welcome to first grade! I am so excited about being your child’s teacher, watching them grow and learn new things. This will be my seventh year teaching for DVUSD.  Before becoming a Viking, I taught preschool/kindergarten for 14 years using the Montessori philosophy and methodology. I graduated from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a graduate degree in reading with an emphasis on elementary education. Additionally, I received my Montessori certification from the Association Montessori International, which is an internationally accredited program.

There is a traditional African proverb that says, “it takes a village to raise a child.” I think that this is especially true regarding your child’s education. I value active parental involvement, working closely together to ensure your child’s academic success. I strive to maintain constant, open communication, building a bridge between school and home. It is equally important to me that every child feels safe and cared about and that the community within the classroom remains supportive and positive.

Thank you for entrusting me with your children and for allowing me to be a part of their education.  I believe there is great potential in all children, and nothing touches my heart more than seeing them succeed.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.

Warmest Regards,

Ms. Marion