• Policies Regarding Illness


    The control of communicable diseases during the school year can be difficult.  By following the rules, we will help control communicable disease at school, home, and the community.

    • Do not send your child to school if he/she shows signs of illness.
    • Do not send you child to school if he/she has had diarrhea or vomiting.  Students may not return to school until it has been 24 hours since their last episode.
    • Do not send your child to school if he/she has had a fever (oral temp 100 or more).  Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before they may return to school.
    • Do not send your child to school if he/she has milky, crusty, or red eye(s).  Please have him/her seen by MD to rule out Pink Eye. If students are treated for Pink Eye, they must be treated for 24 hours before returning to school. Please let the Health Office know if your child has been treated for Pink Eye.
    • Do not send your child with an undiagnosed rash.  He/She should remain out of school until symptoms are gone or a MD verifies that he/she is not contagious. If a child is treated for rash, he/she must receive 24 hours of treatment and be fever-free before returning to school.
    • Please call the health office if your child is treated for any communicable diseases or rash, like Strep Throat, etc.