• Immunization Requirements


     What will you need at registration?

    You will need your child’s Immunization Record. It must show the date your child was given each required vaccine with a stamp or signature from the doctor or immunization clinic. If you do not have an Immunization Record,  or your child has not received all required shots, please call your doctor now for an appointment or the local health department for the date and location of the next immunization clinic.


    Arizona Department of Health Services has made changes to rules requiring two more immunizations for school attendance which will affect your students entering 6th grade.
    Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, attenuated pertussis) will be required for students as they turn 11 years old and older when 5 years have passed since the last tetanus/diphtheria vaccine dose (DTP, DTaP, or Td). Previously, a Td was done 10 years after the initial series completed, but recurrence of pertussis in the teen population over the past years has put children at increased risk for this life-threatening disease.
    MV (meningococcal vaccine) will be required for students who are either 11 years old or older entering 6th grade as of August, 2008. Meningococcal meningitis can be highly contagious in teen and young adults and may result in severe disability if not death. Students entering 6th grade must have documentation of these immunizations prior to beginning school year each Fall. As you update your child's immunizations, please get the Tdap and MV administered and documented as soon as possible if your child is already 11 years old. Please get that documentation to your School Nurse when completed so that school records can be updated.

    Village Meadows participates in the Arizona Department of Health Services project Immunization Education.  Parents seeking exemption from any required immunizations, other than for a medical exemption signed by a physician, must take the online Immunization Education course available through the AZDHS.  Upon completion of the course, the parent can then print the exemption form.  No exemption forms are given out at school. 


    Children must have proof of all required immunizations, or a valid exemption, in order to attend school in Arizona.