• IB MYP Visual Arts Assessment

    Arts Assessment Criteria: Year 1

    Criterion A: Investigating

    At the end of year 1/Novice stage, students should be able to:

    1. investigate a movement or genre in their chosen arts discipline, related to the statement of inquiry
    2. describe an artwork or performance from the chosen movement or genre.


    Criterion B: Developing

    At the end of year 1/Novice stage, students should be able to:

    1. practically explore ideas to inform development of a final artwork or performance
    2. present a clear artistic intention for the final artwork or performance in line with the statement of inquiry.


    Criterion C: Creating/Performing

    At the end of year 1/Novice stage, students should be able to:

    1. create or perform an artwork.


    Criterion D: Evaluating

    At the end of year 1/Novice stage, students should be able to:

    1. appraise their own artwork or performance
    2. reflect on their development as an artist.


    Arts Assessment Criteria: Year 3

    Criterion A: Investigating

    At the end of year 3/Intermediate stage, students should be able to:

    1. investigate a movement or genre in their chosen arts discipline, related to the statement of inquiry
    2. analyse an artwork or performance from the chosen movement or genre.


    Criterion B: Developing

    At the end of year 3/Intermediate stage, students should be able to:

    1. practically explore ideas to inform development of a final artwork or performance
    2. present a clear artistic intention for the final artwork or performance in line with the statement of inquiry.


    Criterion C: Creating/Performing

    At the end of year 3/Intermediate stage, students should be able to:

    1. create or perform an artwork.


    Criterion D: Responding

    At the end of year 3/Intermediate stage, students should be able to:

    1. appraise their own artwork or performance
    2. reflect on their development as an artist.