A strong work ethic driven by the goal of continuous improvement is essential for student success both in high school and the student’s future.  Each piece of work is crucial as it provides an opportunity for feedback on improvement and also for growth in the student’s education. All coursework, both summative (assessments) and formative (practice), is of value and influences a teacher’s understanding of your student’s learning and growth. 

    Final course marks are determined by the teachers' professional analysis of your student’s most recent and consistent evidence of levels of achievement against those standards based on prescribed exit outcome levels.  Valuable feedback on student work may be provided through use of rubrics, in Canvas, on paper, or verbally during instructional time.

    A student’s final grade will be determined by an assessment of his/her proficiency in the standards for this course. Work will be assigned and should be completed in order to gain proficiency in skills and develop a thorough understanding of the concepts. Each piece of work is crucial as it provides an opportunity for feedback, improvement and demonstration of growth. Students that do not develop, practice and demonstrate skills through the assessments (whether they are formative or summative) are not likely to pass this course.


    Grade Scale: A – 90% - 100% B – 80 - 89% C – 70 - 79% D – 60% - 69% F-59% - below



    • School provided iPad/Chromebook
    • Pencil (Necessary for some assessments)
    • Notebook/pen for notes (optional)



    What to do immediately upon entering this classroom:

    1. Take out your iPad if you do not want to use the class desktop computers. 
    2. Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode and place it in your backpack. 
    3. Put your backpack away in the front of the classroom.
    4. Log in to Canvas and prepare to actively engage in learning.
    5. Fully participate in the activities of the day

    Tips for Success:

    • Attend class daily.
    • Be in class on time with iPads fully charged.
    • Use technology appropriately as identified by the teacher.
    • Make good use of class time by being focused on the lesson.
    • Bring all necessary materials to class.
    • Come to class with assignments prepared.
    • Make sure they understand the teacher’s expectations for upcoming classes.
    • Ask questions about anything they do not fully understand.
    • Be actively involved as they prepare assignments for class.
    • Formulate questions they might have about the material.
    • Be respectful of the teacher and fellow students.


    We know that technology is all around us and can enhance work outcomes. We embrace technology and strive to use it as a powerful learning tool.  We provide iPads for our students and strive to integrate technology into our lessons.  Because our students have access to iPads and school computers, they will not need to use cell phones during class time.   We ask students not to access their phones during class.  This is an important part of preparing students for college and their career.   As they graduate, head to college or start jobs, they will need to know how to manage their devices and understand the appropriate time and place for technology use. 

    DVHS students will use iPads to complete tasks during class.  If a student does not comply with this policy and his/her phone is being used or creates a disruption in the classroom, the following steps will be taken.

    • 1st Offense:   Teacher will request that the student put the phone away and for it not to be visible or used during class time. *
    • 2nd Offense:  Teacher will apply classroom consequences such as asking for the phone to be put on the teacher’s desk and document the offense. *
    • 3rd Offense:   Teacher will send students to an administrator where further disciplinary action will be enforced. 

    *If at any time during this process, the student escalates this issue, the student can be referred to administration immediately. 


    You will need to ask the teacher for permission and use the classroom hall pass when leaving the classroom.  



    It is my goal to maintain a comfortable and open learning environment in which all students feel free to ask questions. If you feel that you need extra help, please contact me to set up a time to assist you.

    If students or parents would like to schedule an individual Zoom/phone meeting with me, please use the contact information below.  I am looking forward to working with you and helping to create a positive and rewarding learning experience! 

    Thank you,

    Basilio Lopez

    好色导航Social Studies and CTE Teacher