• Peanut Allergy


    Peanut/Tree Nut Allergy

    Allergies to peanuts and any other nuts can create a lot of worry and stress for school-age parents. We want to try to create a school atmosphere that is as safe as possible for our students who can develop a severe reaction when exposed to nuts. You can help Norterra staff by filling out the Student Severe Allergy History as completely as possible and provide the school with any medication that would be necessary to administer for a reaction. Below are the forms we utilize in our district to gather information and keep on file so that any staff can read and intervene, if necessary. 


    If your child requires over-the-counter medication to counteract an allergic reaction, please know that the school does NOT have a supply of Benadryl or any other medication that the student could receive. Medication of any kind MUST have direction and written permission from the parent, and if a prescription such as an Epi-Pen, a physician's order. The order sheet has room for 2 medication orders on it. 

    Safety of the student is of the utmost priority and is a team effort, that of the parents, the staff, and most importantly, the student. By teaching a young student right away how to look at food labels and identify what foods may or may not be safe for them to consume, accidents can be avoided. We have put together tips and responsibilities for each member of the team in order to provide guidance that will help keep the student safe.  

    The Medication Administration Log gives written parental/guardian permission to give medications and allows the nurse or other school professional to document and monitor when medications are given. It also provides directions regarding administration on short school days and how the medication is to be treated at the end of the school year. 

    Lastly, providing any medication in case of anaphylactic response if best done as soon as possible. If you feel that your student is at an increased risk and would be safer with their emergency medicine in their backpack, there is a form that is required in order to make staff aware that the medication is available on the student, rather than in the health office.

    These forms are available in the health office and you can ask for assistance from the nurse or office staff. 


    Food Allergies