


    ELA 3/4

    Dear Students and Parents,

    Dvusd Pathways Summer course is a 4-week "in-person" learning experience. Students are expected to arrive on time with a fully-charged district-issued device. Please bring a charger to ensure access to the course content. 

    The students are encouraged to participate, share ideas, questions, concerns, and thoughts within our discussions. This is a discussion-heavy course; therefore, participation is necessary for a student to receive the full benefit of the subject-matter. Students are able to complete all assignments prior to the end of the day's class, as no homework will be assigned, as long as each student works diligently on the completion of their daily goals. Ample time will be provided to complete in-class assignments.

    While no homework will be given, quizzes will be assigned and students are encouraged to study; however, they will be given class time to complete the necessary prep work. 

    ELA 3 and 4 are Sophomore-level English Language arts courses that will cover Dystopian Literature, Anthem by Ayn Rand, Night by Elie Wiesel, and various ancillary texts.

    I look forward to our time together and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. My email is Max.Brandstetter@dvusd.org.

    Best regards,

    Max Brandstetter

    ELA 3/4 Instructor
