• Welcome to Summer 2024 ENGLISH 1-2 Pathways



    "You'll never get bored when you try something new. There's really no limit to what you can do."  Dr. Suess (pronounced Zoyce, did you know that? I just learned that and see how old I am. Oh, and he was not a Dr., he just put that in front of his name because his father wanted him to become a doctor. Hmmm)


    Information About Your Course


    Canvas continues as the main delivery of materials with additional in-class discussion.  Assignments will be posted daily on Canvas - students may only work on that day's assignments and will not have homework - given that they are managing their time in our 3 hour and 45 minute class period, Monday - Friday.

    English 1 and 2 are courses that provide a one-semester science credit each for graduation requirements for high school.

    The curriculum follows the 好色导航guidelines which are aligned with the Arizona State Standards.  Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking skills, which are essential to learning.  Reading skills and strategies will be part of instruction and student practice.


    Arrive promptly at 3:45 pm at the Boulder Creek High School's campus.  We dismiss promptly at 7: 15 pm. 
     or with the Canvas app (iOs/Android).


    Parents can also login to Canvas to observe classes and student progress. Parents even have their very own app: Canvas Parent.

    Learn more about accessing Canvas as a Parent!



    Bring your iPad fully charged and bring your charger to class. Be prepared to work on your assignments without the distraction of your cell phone. 


    Find out more about 好色导航Technology.  Still need TECH Support?  


    Students will provided with a report of their grades at the end of the week on paper. I will require parent signatures on each of these reports in order to make sure the student is successful.

     Canvas 1