• Need help?  Send me a Canvas In Box message.
      or email me:  Bobby.Green@dvusd.org 


      A daily schedule follows below:

      1. All students are required to be seated in class from 3:00 pm until 5:45 pm.

      • Attendance will be taken
      • Complete a bellwork/discussion assignment
      • Receive a preview of the day's learning
      • Have an opportunity to ask questions

      2. Instructional time from 3:10 pm until 5:35 pm

      • Students will be completing assignments in Canvas after direction instruction.
      • We will take two 10-min breaks as a class, 10-minutes at 4:00pm and 5:00pm.  Students are not allowed to leave the building nor bring food to class. 
      • Students may only have water with them in class.

      3. Review and closure 5:35 - 5:45 pm

      • Complete the exit/discussion question

      Remember, completing your assignments during instructional hours ensures that you do not have homework! 

      The pacing, of course, works:

      • Students will meet daily with the teacher of record as outlined above.
      • Students will not be permitted to work ahead.
      • New content will be available daily.
      • Course work is expected to be completed that day.
      • There is no homework unless the daily coursework is not completed.
      • DVOLP Pathways Blended gradebook begins at a ZERO (0%) percent.  Students establish their final grade through participation and completion of all course work
      • Student active participation is expected throughout the enrollment period beginning March 20, 2023.

      The Pathways' attendance policy:

      • Students are allowed two (2) absences
      • On the third (3rd) absence, the student is subject to withdrawal
      • Students greater than 10 minutes late to class will be charged an absence
      • Students may opt to Appeal the withdrawal
        • The student will receive instructions of Appeal
        • The student will submit the Appeal information within 24 hours of receipt of Appeal instruction. 


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    Bobby Green:

    Room # 539

    Voicemail # 623.376.3223

    email:   bobby.green@dvusd.org

    website:  dvusd.org/mrhs-Green


    Course Description:                                                                                 

    This course seeks to offer insight into the science of economics. Through research, students will find the basis of economic theory both at a micro and macro level.  Students will apply these theories to understand the economic climate around them both on a national and global scale.  This economics course is aligned with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards and/or national content standards and supports school-wide efforts to increase student achievement.


    Course Objectives:

    By the time the student completes this course of study, the student will know or be able to:

    1. Use research skills to interpret historical data.
    2. Describe the foundations of economics.
    3. Explain economic structures and market systems.
    4. Microeconomics – Supply and Demand and Market Prices.
    5. Understand the role of governments in the market and market structure.
    6. Analyze taxes and spending.
    7. Macroeconomics – Economic Performance.
    8. Understand and analyze global economics.
    9. Obtain an understanding of personal finance.


    Common Core Standards


     Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.


     Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.

     Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain.

     Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including analyzing how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term over the course of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. 10).

     Analyze in detail how a complex primary source is structured, including how key sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text contribute to the whole.

     Evaluate authors’ differing points of view on the same historical issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence.

     Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

     Evaluate an author’s premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with other information.

     Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.

     By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently.




    Grading Weight (18 Weeks) 100% of grade:

    Assessments   70%

    Assignments   30%


    Grading Scale:

    A = 90% - 100%

    B = 80% - 89%

    C = 70% - 79%

    D = 60% - 69%

    F = Below 60%

    -No extra credit will be given.


    Report Cards

    In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program (PowerSchool), district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards unless requested by individual parents. To request a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 623-376-3000.  To receive your PowerSchool login, please stop at the office with a valid photo ID.


    Power School Online Access:

    Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Power School access code.  Access codes are available in the Counseling Office or Front Desk Monday – Friday 7:00 AM– 3:30 PM. You may check student progress regularly on the PowerSchool site using the same login for one or more students.  For Mountain Ridge parents/guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest log-in capability is available in the Counseling Conference Room.


    Assignment Procedures:

    All assignments can be turned in for full credit 2 up to weeks after the due date. Assignments submitted later than the two-week period will be accepted for teacher feedback but will not be accepted for class credit. Assignments can be turned in up until one week prior to the last day of the semester. Students, life happens. Make sure you communicate with me regularly so we can prevent possible issues.

    Teachers will provide one retake opportunity on assessments to earn a better grade, up to full credit. In Canvas, students will be given two attempts to take end of unit assessments. The higher grade will be added to Powerschools. It is highly suggested that students demonstrate mastery by completing all unit assignments, each unit assignment with proficiency, before retaking the assessment. A different assessment that covers the same standards can be provided for the retake in lieu of the initial assessment. Test corrections may be offered in lieu of a test retake.

    All students will adhere to the 好色导航Student Norms in a Virtual Learning Environment and to the 好色导航Students' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

    Integrity and Character Counts: 

    Integrity is vital to the learning environment.  Cases of cheating and plagiarism will be handled in accordance with the MRHS student handbook.  While there are many different ways to cheat or plagiarize, please be aware that activities such as sharing material, copying work, and posting information on a website are considered cheating.  Students who choose to cheat and or plagiarize will receive no credit for that work and will face further consequences as outlined in the Student Handbook.



    Zoom Instructions for Students and Parents