

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cindy Costello

       I grew up in California and have always loved working with children. I loved elementary school and always wanted to be a teacher. I started at the University of Southern California and finished at University of Pacific, majoring in psychology and education. Since 1986, I have been an elementary educator. My graduate work concentrated on reading acquisition and bilingual education. I have taught elementary grades 1-6 throughout my teaching career.
         In 1990, my family moved to Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, where I taught third grade for 12 years. Maui was a beautiful place to live and teach. I learned a great deal about cultural diversity and enjoyed my time by the ocean. I met my husband, Greg, on Maui. I had moved to be close to my parents who are now both deceased. 
         With my son  going into high school, we decided to move to Arizona. I taught first grade the year that we moved here. Then I joined 好色导航and helped open Terramar, teaching 4th grade. Then our daughter was born in 2005. I helped open the current campus of Diamond Canyon, teaching 4th grade, 5th grade ELA, and  3rd grade.At Sunset Ridge, I taught 4th grade and 6th grade ELA. I was thrilled to join Las Brisas Stars in third grade as team lead as well as second grade lead..! I have served on CIT, GEIT, been writing liaison as well as 3rd and 4th grade team lead. I have added my SEI endorsement and Middle School ELA endorsement. Now I am so excited to join Aspire  as well as work  together to make our new district school #extraordinary! I have been in DVOA/ Aspire from the beginning teaching third, fourth and now fifth grades.
         Teaching is my passion and has filled my life! I love working with students and guiding them on their learning journey! I believe in meeting students where they are at and taking them as far as I can during our academic year. I want students to know that I believe in them and maximize their abilities. Our shared belief will work towards achieving our goals and ultimately, success.
         I love living in Arizona with my family and am a proud mom and now "Gramma" as well.
         I have a very "open door policy" and encourage open communication with parents! Working together, we will make it an awesome learning year!
Cindy Costello