  • Dear Parents,

    I would like to welcome your child to my reading intervention groups. I will be working with your child on Zoom to help them grow into proficient, fluent and inquisitive readers that enjoy reading.  In addition, I will be progress monitoring every other week and collecting reading data to make sure they are making progress.

    During his/her time with me, your child will be taught targeted skills to help them improve their reading.  I will keep you informed of your child’s progress throughout the time I see them.

    You can continue to support your child at home by doing any of the following simple and free activities:

    • Read to your child often. You can read books above their reading level so they can grow comprehension and vocabulary skills. 
    • Have your child read to you at their independent level. Great times for having children read is while you are making dinner or in the car.
    • It is very important that when you are reading to your child you let them pick books that are interesting to them and are above their ability level so that they improve their vocabulary. When your child reads a book to you or independently, it is extremely important that they read books at their level or a little above so that they do not get frustrated trying to decode words above their current ability. It is also crucial that the books are not too easy and therefore they are not challenging themselves and improving their reading ability.
    • Read aloud directions on video games, recipes, menus or signs.
    • Write emails, texts or letters to friends or relatives.
    • Buddy read- child reads one page and the adult reads the next page.
    • Choral read with your child to increase fluency. You read at the same time so that your child has a model of how to pace themselves.
    • Echo reading also can build fluency. You read a sentence or two and your child echos you after you have read, making sure that they are echoing back with the correct pace and fluency.
    • When your child is finished reading a story (or a chapter if they are reading chapter books) have them tell you the characters and describe them, ask them to tell you about what they read and ask them if they have any questions or ideas about what they read. The more your child can think about what they are reading as they are reading, the faster their comprehension will improve.


     Kindergarten and First grade- Play rhyming games in the car, in the grocery store, waiting in line etc. Adult says a word and the child gives a rhyming pair.  Or give your child two words and ask if they rhyme.