Phone: 623-445-5865


Degrees and Certifications:

A.A.S. Dietetic Technology B.S. Healthy Lifestyles Coaching M.Ed. Secondary Education

Mrs. Teresa Sanders

I am an Arizona native who spent my early years after high school on a glorious quest across our beautiful country. After living in New Mexico, North Carolina, and California, my heart called me back home. While on my quest I earned an Associate’s Degree in Dietetic Technology in 2012 where I learned that although I love and adore nutrition, clinical settings did not fuel my heart’s fire. In this time I found a profound love for fitness. Namely Group Fitness, I began teaching everything from water aerobics and Silver Sneakers, to HIIT and Combat Conditioning on a couple of military bases near where I lived, as well as gyms local to our current area. It was this interest that led me to pursue my Bachelors of Science in Healthy Lifestyle Coaching through ASU where I graduated from in 2017. I used this award to launch a rewarding experience as a Personal Trainer. By this time I became a single mom and realized that I needed to do something that would continue to fuel my heart’s fire as well as support my desire to be a present mom.

After some deep soul searching, I realized that my perilous path had led me right back to where I’d started when I first graduated from high school; education. Teaching group fitness taught me to lead, and that my connection with others can make a difference, and the calling I’d heard before I embarked on the quest that moved me across many state lines was louder than ever. This time I decided to finally listen to the voice inside that was telling where I’m meant to be. At the end of 2019 I enrolled in UofA for their Masters of Education in Secondary Education. I persevered through all that 2020 threw at me and graduated in May, 2021.

While discovering my new normal as an independent mom and personal trainer, I met my amazing husband, Austin, and his two kids. We managed to pull off a wedding summer 2020 despite all of the craziness that was thrown at us. We purchased a home in the area at the end of 2019 so that our kids could attend the Deer Valley Schools that I grew up in, which made working for the district the easiest career choice I’ve ever made. My family now consists of my son, my husband, my aforementioned bonus kids, a Border Collie/Aussie mix named Meeko after my favorite Disney raccoon, a Betta fish named Lord Kelvin (science puns anyone?) and 9 chickens that provide breakfast, but not dinner.

I am so excited to have finally found the destination of my most perilous quest, and cannot wait for all of the adventures that still await. I am committed to bringing passion and excitement to my classroom as to have a positive impact on students’ academic abilities and foster a lifelong love and appreciation of science.

It’s time to put the gear in “O” for Onward as we embark on a most excellent adventure through time and science.