• Curriculum

    Curriculum in all of the kindergarten classrooms follows the Deer Valley Curriculum Guidelines and Arizona State Standards. Each classroom will travel different although intertwining paths to reach these goals. While our kindergarten team enjoys working and planning together, naturally, each teacher will most often do what reflects the individual needs and personalities of the students in the class. We will have a great year conquering new challenges together.

    Literacy Foundations

    • Name and write all the letters of the alphabet
    • Produce letter sounds
    • Identify 50 basic sight words and spell 20
    • Identify, distinguish, and produce rhymes
    • Segment words into individual sounds and blend sounds to read words
    • Divide words by syllables
    • Identify onset and rime bases
    • Change and omit sounds in words
    • Identify sounds in initial, middle, and ending positions in words.


    • Write first and last name correctly
    • Label pictures
    • Create lists, charts, messages
    • Spell sight words correctly
    • Write 3 simple sentences on topic and/or telling events in a logical order.
    • Participate in shared research and writing projects to gather facts, information, and/or support about chosen topic.
    • Apply sound/letter knowledge to communicate a message


    • Identify signs and symbols
    • Retell a story in correct sequence
    • Read simple texts
    • Identify basic sight words
    • Decode/ blend sounds to read words
    • Distinguish long and short vowel sounds
    • Comprehend informational and recreational texts
    • Make predictions, determine purpose for reading, and ask questions about a text



    • Identify basic shapes ( 2 & 3 dimensional), colors, and numbers to 20
    • Orally count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s
    • Orally count to 100 from any given number by 1’s
    • Count objects to 20 in any array
    • Model numbers through 20
    • Sort, classify, and compare attributes of shapes
    • Make 10 given a number less than 10
    • Explore addition  and subtraction within 10
    • Compose and decompose numbers to 19
    • Identify and use ordinal numbers
    • Read, create, and interpret graphs
    • Solve oral word problems
    • Identify and apply positional terms (inside/outside)


    • Obtain, evaluate, and share information about how organisms use different body parts for survival
    • Know how specialized structures in plants and animals help them sense and respond to their environment
    • Investigate how we detect light, sound, and vibrations
    • Design & evaluate a tool to extend one or more of our senses
    • Observe and ask questions about patterns of motion with the sun, moon, and stars
    • Observe, describe, ask questions, and predict weather 
    • Build understanding of how weather patterns impact plants, animals, & people
    • Observe,ask questions, and explain the differences between the characteristics of living and non-living things

    Social Studies - Children As Citizens


    • Civics


    *Apply values of respect, responsibility, equality, & fairness 

    *Follow agreed upon rules 

    *Compare one's own thoughts and opinions with those of others. 

    *Describe roles and responsibilities of people in authority

    *Explain how all people play important roles in our school & community 

    *Explain how people work together to identify and solve problems

    *Explain why rules are important within the classroom and school 


    • Economics


    *Explain how needs, wants, and the availability of resources affect decision making  

    *Identify what one gains and gives up when they make choices. 


    • Geography


    *Use, explore, and construct maps, graphs and other geographical representations to support content focus

    *Explore locations in stories shared 

    *Explain how water and weather impacts humans.


    • History


    * Compare one’s own culture with the culture of others

    * Explain the benefits of cooperation & compromise to solve problems

    *Explain and explore the origins of key American symbols, traditions, and holidays. 

    *Explore the stories of key historical figures through informational text and biographies