• Get Ready to Bloom!

    • Remember to Find a Quiet Place to Learn Without Distractions and a Place to Keep All of Your Learning Materials (away from others who are talking, the TV, etc. Remember, we can hear the background noise even if you choose to wear headphones)
    • Be On Time and Ready for School and Ready to Learn
      • Be dressed (follow the school dress code)
      • Only eat during designated breaks
      • Using the restroom during designated breaks is recommended
      • Be sitting at a table or desk ready to learn with learning materials available
      • Stay in one spot
      • Limit distractions (no toys, blankets, stuffed animals, pets, TV, music, other devices, etc.)
      • Join meetings with your real name
      • keep your video on so we can see your face on the screen (be aware of the privacy of items and people in the background that may be on screen)
        • Family members may not be on the screen or join our Zoom lesson conversations.
        • Family members should email me to set up a separate time to meet to discuss questions/concerns
      • Keep Sound Muted (unmute when it’s your turn to talk)
      • Chat Box Chat is with the Teacher
      • Politely Wait Your Turn to Ask/Answer Questions
    • Listen, learn, engage, and try your best!
Last Modified on June 21, 2022