

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Aaron A. Arnold


Welcome to July 2024 Pathways summer Program! I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. It's been a long year and this session will fly by quickly!

A lil' bit about me...

I am a native and grew up in Arizona not far from here. In fact, I went to school just down the road at DVHS. Other than a few years in Mexico and Hawaii, I have been here most of my life.  I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education and English in 2005 from ASU and bounced around some schools, but I have found a home here at Goldwater for the past 15 years along with a short stint teaching in China. In my spare time, I love to adventure the outdoors, from rafting in the Grand Canyon to camping in remote areas to a simple golf outing.