• Parking Lot Procedures

    Our parking lot is a very busy place before and after school! In order to help ensure that traffic flows as smoothly as possible, please follow the parking lot procedures:
    Morning Procedures
    Drop off begins at 8:30. Students are dropped off on the blue curb in the morning. For students in grades 1-8, please pull ALL the way forward along the blue curb toward the field and far bike rack. This allows more cars to fit in behind you. If you would like to park and walk your child to the gate, please use the crossing guard located at the front office crosswalk.
    Kindergarten morning drop off is the first section of the blue curb located by the kindergarten gate. All other grade levels should use the interior lane to go around kindergarten drop off and then proceed to the blue curb.
    Afternoon Procedures
    Kindergarten will be dismissed at 3:20. Kindergarten parents may start to line up in the parking lot at 3:10. Kindergarten students who are being picked up in the parking lot will be escorted by the kindergarten teachers to the parent pick up area. Please pull ALL the way forward and the teachers will bring your children to your car. Make sure to have their name tag (given to you by the teachers) in your window for quick and easy dismissal. Kindergarten students that have an older sibling or take the bus home will remain in a kindergarten classroom with a teacher until regular dismissal at 3:30. Siblings may pick their kindergarten sibling up from the kindergarten classrooms at 3:30.
    Students in grades 1-8 will all be dismissed at 3:30.  Parents picking up in the front parking lot should arrive no earlier than 3:25 in order to allow kindergarten parents to pick up and exit the parking lot first.
    When picking up your child from the front parking lot, please pull ALL the way forward on the blue curb. Staff members will direct your children to walk on the sidewalk to meet you at your vehicle. Please remain in your vehicle at all times when you are along the blue curb.
    If you wish to park in the parking lot and meet your child at the gate, you may do so. You must use the crossing guard who will be located at the front office crosswalk.