Phone: 623-445-3036


Degrees and Certifications:

Assistant Principle

Mr. Chandler Evans

Athletic Director

11th Grade

I grew up in Creston Iowa, which provided me with many fantastic athletic opportunities, and taught me some of life’s greatest lessons. In high school, my focus was sports. I was fortunate enough to earn a varsity letter in football, wrestling, golf and baseball. Being a part of these high school teams played a vital role in teaching me how to become a good teammate, which I apply in my everyday life as an administrator. I received my undergraduate degree from Arizona State University. (GO DEVILS!!!) I earned my Masters in Education from Fort Hayes State University. This year marks my 19th year as an educator and I have enjoyed every step of my journey. My goal is to serve the Goldwater Community to the best of my ability, and provide every learner on campus the opportunity to be involved in our extra-curricular activities. GO BULLDOGS!!