Sidewinders & School Store

  • We focus on encouraging good behavior by recognizing and rewarding students when they follow school expectations:

    Be Respectful, Be Responsible,

    Be Safe, Be Your Best

    Campus wide encouragement & reward systems:

    Sidewinder Tickets - Students earn “Sidewinder” tickets by showing positive behavior, such as following school rules, being kind, and working hard. Teachers and staff give these tickets as rewards, recognizing and appreciating good choices. The tickets function as school cash, allowing students to earn and spend on various rewards. Typically, an average student earns about one "Sidewinder" a day.

    Friday Cart - Each week, students have a chance to spend their Sidewinder tickets during our Friday Cart event. They can choose to purchase the single item offered that week or save their tickets for other opportunities, like shopping at the school store. Student Council members enjoy the opportunities to visit classrooms and manage Friday "sales".

    School Store - Students can use their collected tickets to “buy” items from the School Store. The store is stocked with a variety of fun and useful items, such as school supplies, small toys, books, and even special privileges or experiences. Our store is supported by PTA, Student Council, Az Tax donations and campus funds. 


    The school tickets & store system encourages students to keep up their positive behavior. Knowing they can earn tickets and exchange them for rewards motivates students to continue making good choices. In addition to promoting good behavior, the School Store also helps students learn important life skills. They practice saving tickets, making choices, and understanding the value of their actions.


    Overall, our School Store is a fun and effective way to encourage positive behavior and help students feel proud of their accomplishments. It’s a win-win for everyone!