Phone: 623-445-5365


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Elementary Education K-8; Highly Qualified to teach Middle School Math, ELA, and Social Studies; National Board Certification, and Gifted, EL, and Math Consulting Endorsements

Mrs. Pizzagoni

This is my 31st year teaching within an elementary school setting.  I have taught 3rd grade, 4th grade, 3rd and 4th Multi-age, and Gifted K-8th grades.  It will be my 24th year teaching within the Deer Valley gifted program.  I love working with this population of learners and finding the best resources and servicesr to help meet their academic, social, and emotional needs!

I have a degree in Elementary Education with a math minor, and hold specialized endorsements/credentials in gifted education, math consulting K-8, middle school math, ELA, social studies, and English as a Second Language.  I am a National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy Education Preschool-8th Grade.